Audio Gallery

  1. "Voyager" (closing section) for one percussionist and electronic
    playback. Norman Weinberg, percussion.
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  2. "Childhood" mvmt. 3 (closing section) for one speaking percussionist. Richard McCandless, speaking percussionist.
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  3. "Childhood" mvmt. 4 (opening section) for one speaking percussionist. Richard McCandless, speaking percussionist.
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  4. "Pile Driver" (closing section) for percussion quartet. The ko'mm percussion group.
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  5. "Pile Driver" for percussion quartet performed by the Oberlin Conservatory Percussion Group, April 14, 2009. Isaac Fernandez, Kevin Scollo, Christian Smith, and Austin Vaughn performing.
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  6. "Voyager" for one percussionist and electronic playback. A performance by Norman Weinberg presented on a program entitled "Beats and Loops," broadcast on 4/25/07 as part of WNYC's "New Sounds" series.
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